Thursday, 23 February 2012

The final design!

I have given Home Designer Pro a fair workout and have updated the design page with our final design which has gone to the designer (OMG I said final!  I know there will be treaks and changes and hopefully not too many budget driven cuts but it really is feeling final!  YAY!). 

Here are a few pics of the new externals.  We are very happy with the way it has come together, what do you think?

Front Vector view (showing Matrix and Stria cladding)
Click pictures to enlarge

Front Waterclour view

Back Vector view (showing Matrix and Stria cladding)
Back Waterclour view


  1. There are a couple of errors in these pics, the boxed overhang in the lower level living is missing and a couple of other roof issues. Generally it is pretty close.

  2. Wow! Looks like an expensive LEGO house
